Clerk’s Report February 2019

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The recent public meeting with Jeremy Wright MP. Philip Secombe PCC, and senior police at Rowington Village Hall had been extremely well attended with in the region over 150 members of the public attending.  The meeting was chaired by Fraser Pithie (founder of Tapster Watch .  The Parish Council extended … Read more

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels– Warwickshire County Council commission Apetito to produce and deliver hot meals direct, helping to maintain independent living. The meals are tasty and nutritious, with fresh ingredients and seasonal vegetables. The service is for people over the age of 50 and also for adults who have: a physical disability; a visual impairment or … Read more

Clerk’s Report January 2019

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT District Councillor Mrs Gallagher gave reminder of the public meeting with Jeremy Wright MP. Philip Secombe PCC, and senior police at Rowington Village Hall on February 8th to talk about and discuss what is going to be done about the crime in Arden Ward. Extra parking has been arranged at Rowington Club … Read more

Clerk’s Report November 2018

The November meeting of the Parish Council had no representatives from either the District or County Council as they were all present at the Public Meeting called to discuss the much debated move of the District Council Offices to new offices on the site of Covent Garden car park.  The car park has irreparable ‘concrete … Read more

Clerk’s Report October 2018

Clerk’s Report October 2018 LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The news that the District Council has agreed a grant of nearly £22,000 to the project to replace the Village Hall play equipment was welcomed.  This has moved the project much closer to the target figure and the next phase will be to ‘firm up’ one of … Read more

Clerk’s Report September 2018

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Following the summer break the Parish Council considered funding requests from the Parochial Church Council in relation to both the war memorial and the transition of Parish Magazine to universal distribution. This year Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day are coinciding and it is the 100thanniversary of the end of WW1.  To … Read more

Clerk’s Report June 2018

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The May meeting of the Parish Council saw Councillors Henderson and Rees unanimously elected to the positions of Chairman and Vice Chairman. Work carries on to secure funding for new play equipment for the Village Hall play area and a new Multigoal is to be delivered and installed in early July. … Read more

Clerk’s Report April 2018

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT   The March meeting hosts the Parish’s Annual Assembly which gives the opportunity for local organisations to report on the achievements and activities for the previous year. As well as the regular contributions from the School, Charity, Doctors Surgery, Village Hall Committee and County, District and Parish Councils a welcome addition … Read more

Crime Statistics

Click the links below to view the Crime Statistics from 2017 and 2016 Lapworth Crime Statistics 2017 Lapworth Crime Statistics 2016