Clerk’s Report February 2016

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Flooding throughout the Parish was high on the agenda following the wet weather. Reports of high water levels, diverted traffic and resultant silt and debris were discussed. Jetting has subsequently been carried out and parts of the Old Warwick Road cleared and swept. Both County Councillor Mrs Compton and Peter Hallam, … Read more

Clerk’s Report January 2016

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT A Lapworth Housing Needs Survey is planned to be carried out shortly.  Your local Parish Councillor will be hand delivering a survey that will give households the opportunity to comment on the need and/or desirability of any new housing in Lapworth Parish, and the nature of such housing, if any. The … Read more

Clerk’s Report September 2015

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The September meeting welcomed Janet Smalley to her first full Parish Council meeting as a new Parish Councillor. Cllr Mrs Smalley lives in Packwood Lane has been a resident of Lapworth for over 30 years, with interests in conservation and the environment To commemorate previous Chairmen of the Parish Council a … Read more

Vicarage Road Allotment Association

Vicarage Road Allotment Association.(Dorridge/Hockley Heath/Lapworth Area – near Packwood Church) If you are looking for or would like to try an allotment, then please contact Nick Edkins on Mobile No.07776 478225 Email      

Clerk’s Report June 2015

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT There is currently a vacant seat on the Parish Council and expressions of interest are welcomed.  The Parish Council meets once a month and its work falls into three main categories   –           Representing the local community –           Delivering services to meet very local needs –           Working to improve quality of … Read more

Clerk’s Report May 2015

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT At the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Cllr David Corney was unanimously re-elected to the position of Chairman and Cllr Clive Henderson to the position of Vice-Chairman.   In future the Warwick District Council representatives will be Cllr Mrs Sue Gallagher and Cllr Peter Whiting who were both elected on … Read more

Clerk’s Report April 2015

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The April meeting of the Parish Council was the last before the 7th May Parish Council Elections.  The election is uncontested so all those that stood will be serving on the Parish Council for another term.  Thanks were expressed to Councillor King, who had chosen not to stand again, for his … Read more

Clerk’s Report March 2015

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Reports were presented at the Lapworth Annual Parish Assembly by Lapworth School, the Lapworth Charity and Village Hall Committee together with the Parish, District and County Council reports.   Highlights from the school included were sporting and academic achievements as well as community involvement and progress with building works.  The Charity … Read more

Clerk’s Report February 2015

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT – JANUARY MEETING Following a complaint by a local resident Warwick District Council had arranged the removal of 27 bags of rubbish from Tapster Lane around the motorway bridge.  The District Council was thanked for its prompt response but it is regrettable that such action is necessary and that rubbish is … Read more