Police Advice – Make the Right Call

Make the Right Call Warwickshire Police have launched a series of help and advice pages and downloadable leaflets in the Contact us section on our website. This information is there to support members of the public in ‘making the right call’ in the event of something happening and, to make the right call to the … Read more

Clerk’s Report November 2017

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT A meeting of local community groups and the County Council’s Community Development Worker Jo Staniforth, was hosted by the Parish Council. The aim of the meeting was to discuss issues of social isolation and fuel poverty in Lapworth. According to the statistics fuel poverty within the Lapworth Area is the highest … Read more

Guidance about Placing Obstacles on Grass Verges

The Parish Council has been asked to look into the matter of logs, stones and other items being used to protect grass verges outside of properties. Unless otherwise specified in your deeds, a ‘public highway’ will usually include the road, pavement and grass verges between the boundary fence, dry stone wall or hedge line and … Read more

Clerk’s Report October 2017

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT In future Glasshouse Lane resident’s postal address will be Glasshouse Lane, Lapworth as opposed to Hockley Heath. This follows a successful request from Glasshouse Lane residents, supported by the Parish Council. The Parish Council was advised Warwick District Council had approved a proposal for a shared service with Rugby Borough Council which … Read more

Clerk’s Report September 2017

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT   An opportunity to join Lapworth Parish Council has arisen following the resignation of Councillor Ross Giles. If you are interested in joining the Parish Council or finding out more about what is entailed please contact the clerk by the end of October. Work is ongoing to consider the options for … Read more

Clerk’s Report March & April 2017

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Thanks and flowers were presented to Warwickshire County Councillor, Jose Compton, who has served this community tirelessly. She has been the Lapworth representative at the County Council for 16 years and the Parish Council has benefitted greatly from the active interest she has taken in the community. She has also served … Read more

Clerk’s Report February 2017

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Consideration is still being given by the District Council in relation to the proposed development at Aylesbury House Hotel site. The Parish Council has written giving its support for the development, as indeed have many local residents, as there are concerns regarding the site further deteriorating if the planning application does … Read more

Clerk’s Report September 2016

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT During the summer representatives of the Parish Council had met with the management of the Boot, regarding their annual Bonfire Night event. The Parish Council appreciates that this an event that many in the community enjoy but wished to work with the Boot to minimise disruption as last year there were … Read more

Clerk’s Report November 2016

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The October meeting welcomed Stephen Esselmont’s, owner of WillPower Garage, co-option to the Parish Council. Cllr Esselmont is a longstanding resident and business owner in the Parish and brings with him a wealth of knowledge in relation to local matters. Warwick District Council news – The examination of the Warwick District … Read more