Household Waste Recycling Centre Survey – closes 9th January 2022

Warwickshire County Council are seeking views on the booking system used to book your appointment to visit a household waste recycling centre and your experience when using the centre. They would also like to hear from residents who have not used a household waste recycling centre recently. Click here to access the survey.  

Speeding issues in Lapworth

Please click on the links below to read a report from the Parish Council on speeding issues in Lapworth and for data from recent and historical speed checks. Please note that the mentioned Public Meeting with the Police Commissioner originally scheduled for 21st December has been postponed into the New Year due to the renewed … Read more

Clerk’s Report June 2021

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The June Meeting of the Parish Council was the first held back at the Village Hall, masks were worn, windows and doors open and social distancing observed but a step towards a ‘new normal’. It is also a time of change for the Parish Council.  Following her recent resignation thanks were … Read more

Clerk’s Report May 2021

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council took place a week earlier than scheduled as the legal ability to hold Council meetings ‘on line’ was ceasing yet the requirement not to meet face to face up to 17thMay was still in place.  It is hoped that the 14thJune meeting will take … Read more