Clerk’s Report June 2021


The June Meeting of the Parish Council was the first held back at the Village Hall, masks were worn, windows and doors open and social distancing observed but a step towards a ‘new normal’.

It is also a time of change for the Parish Council.  Following her recent resignation thanks were expressed to Councillor Joyce Ludlow for dedication and contribution to the Parish Council over the last 10 years.  This has created two vacancies for Parish Councillors, if you are interested in finding out more about contributing to your community please contact details. There is also the opportunity to contribute in a paid capacity as after 14 years with Lapworth Parish Council I am moving on.  The vacancy advert has been placed in this magazine but again please contact full details and a job description.

Concerns were received and expressed about road surfacing along the Old Warwick Road and speeding traffic.  The former has been raised with Warwickshire County Council and Parish Council is very aware of the latter which is never far from the agenda.  Steps are in hand for traffic monitoring data to be gathered to inform any potential actions and shortly training will start for the Lapworth Speedwatch Group.  Still not too late to volunteer if you want to help combat speeding traffic please contact the Clerk.

Following observations and complaints raised the Parish Council has been asked to reiterate its advice in relation to the matter of logs, stones and other items being used to protect grass verges outside of properties.  Which is:

‘Unless otherwise specified in your deeds, a ‘public highway’ will usually include the road, pavement and grass verges between the boundary fence, dry stone wall or hedge line and the road.

We would want to remind residents that under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980, it is an offence to block, obstruct or damage road verges. This includes rocks, posts, A-boards etc. If someone is injured or damages their vehicle on rocks or posts etc, legal action could be taken against you as the homeowner if you have placed these items on the verges.

Whilst we understand residents desire to maintain the appearance of our village we did feel it was incumbent on us to clarify the legal position of these actions, so residents are aware of the potential implications.’

On a similar vein it is that time of year when sprouting hedges and nettles can spread from your property boundary to obstruct pavements so please can we ensure that these too are kept clear of obstruction.  It is also the time of year for nesting birds so care should be taken to ensure they are not disturbed. Cars should not be parked on pavements.

The next meeting of Lapworth Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday 12thJuly at 7.30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

Minutes and Agendas for meetings are on the Parish Council website

Clerk Contact details – phone 01676 533258 or email