Clerk’s Report February 2016


Flooding throughout the Parish was high on the agenda following the wet weather. Reports of high water levels, diverted traffic and resultant silt and debris were discussed. Jetting has subsequently been carried out and parts of the Old Warwick Road cleared and swept. Both County Councillor Mrs Compton and Peter Hallam, Warwickshire County Council Locality Officer, were very supportive in taking action and the Parish Council has extended thanks for their help. It is recognised that the problems caused by diversions from the Old Warwick Road on to adjacent lanes need to be addressed.

Householders are encouraged to do what they can in relation to keeping gullies and ditches clear adjacent to properties and not to sweep leaves onto the highway.

All households should have received a Lapworth Housing Needs Survey and you are encouraged to return it to give a picture of the need and/or desirability of any new housing in Lapworth Parish, and the nature of such housing, if any. The individual household surveys can be returned by freepost and the results anonymously collated.

The new Warwick District Local Plan suffered another delay as a result of the lost planning appeal at the Asps and Gallows Hill. The revised plan is broadly complete and will be put to Warwick District Council on 24th February – papers will be available on the web site prior to this date.

The Parish Council has been asked to pass on a message from the Community Safety Team as recently there has been a spate of fires caused by tumble driers left unattended or on overnight. So tumble dry with caution.

Reconciling the budget remains an issue for the County Council and this year there was a ten hour meeting dedicated to budget setting. On a positive note the Aviva Women’s Cycle race is scheduled to pass from Atherstone to Stratford on Avon on 16th June passing through the Warwickshire.

The Parish Council meets the second Monday of each month at 7.30 in the Village Hall

2016 dates 7pm start 14th March Parish Assembly, 11th April 7.30pm, 9th May Annual Parish Meeting

Parish Council website

Clerk Contact details – phone 01676 533258 or email