Clerk’s Report March 2021

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT The 2020 Annual Lapworth Assembly was a very different meeting to this year’s which had to be held virtually via Zoom.  Reports were presented by Warwick District Council, the County Council, Packwood House, Lapworth Charity, Village Hall, School and Surgery and some attended Online. Vice chairman Cllr Rees reflected on the … Read more

Clerk’s Report February 2021

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Over the past year accessibility to the Warwickshire Library service has adapted to meet residents needs.  Through its ‘eLibrary services’ where you can access eBooks, eAudio Books, eMagazines, eNewspapers and eMusic – there is a full selection of titles and well worth a look.  In addition to this in April last … Read more

Clerks Report January 2021

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT On a positive note to start the new year Cllr Rees reported that the Vaccination Program at Studley Village Hall was up and running, largely attributable to the efforts of Dr Rowland, to whom thanks were expressed. Just over 1000 people received their first Pfizer vaccine over the previous weekend at … Read more

Freedom of Information

The Parish Council adopted the Model Publication Scheme with effect from 1st January 2009. This scheme will enable members of the public to view and access information held by the Parish Council. OBTAINING INFORMATION AND INFORMATION HELD There are three ways to obtain the information: • Parish Council web site The web site holds the … Read more

Clerk’s Report November 2020

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Parish Council meetings are still taking place remotely but it was encouraging to see a number of members of the public attending virtually. Against a national backdrop of sharply rising Covid 19 cases the Lapworth Volunteers are offering prescription deliveries (via Surgery first of course), food shopping and a phoning service … Read more

Clerk’s Report October 2020

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Parish Council meetings are still taking place remotely but it was encouraging to see a number of members of the public attending virtually. Against a national backdrop of sharply rising Covid 19 cases Lapworth Surgery has asked if the Lapworth Volunteers could look at increasing their activities in the next few … Read more

Clerk’s Report September 2020

LAPWORTH PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Following the reopening of the Lapworth Village Hall playground it is great to see that it has been well used over the summer. Lots of positive feedback has been received including ‘it is the best play area by miles for miles’. Thankfully the Lapworth Volunteers have had a quieter month. Masks … Read more