Clerk’s Report May 2021


The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council took place a week earlier than scheduled as the legal ability to hold Council meetings ‘on line’ was ceasing yet the requirement not to meet face to face up to 17thMay was still in place.  It is hoped that the 14thJune meeting will take place back at the Village Hall but spread over the two Committee Rooms to ensure maximum social distancing.  The Annual Meeting saw Councillors Henderson and Rees elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for another year.

County Councillor Cooke was thanked for his support and perseverance in getting the new traffic calming gateway installed by the Boot. County Councillor Cooke also flagged that a petition was being circulated supporting traffic calming measures on the Old Warwick Road and Station Lane.  He had asked officers at Warwickshire County Council to look into what was possible. The Parish Council welcomed and supported evidence based measures to combat speeding traffic.

Speeding traffic is high on the agenda for the Parish Council and it is hoped that shortly the training offered to the Speedwatch Volunteers will be delivered. This had been put on hold by the Police over the last year but following the training the Speedwatch group will be able carry out authorised speed checks in Lapworth.  If you are interested in finding out more or joining the group please contact the Clerk.

Enthusiasm is still high in relation to Lapworth Station Adoption with nearly twenty volunteers coming forward to lead and support on a range of initiatives.  It is now necessary to assess the formalities and legalities before deciding how best to progress.  If you are interested in getting involved please contact Haydn Rees on or the clerk on contact details below.

Following a thankfully quiet time on the helpline set up to support the Lapworth Volunteers it is proposed to cease the provision of the helpline phone number (01564 781360) that was set up early in the pandemic.  It would be possible, but is hoped it will not be necessary, to reinstate a phone line if needed.

The next meeting of Lapworth Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday 14thJune at 7.30pm in the Committee Rooms of the Village Hall.

Minutes and Agendas for meetings are on the Parish Council website


Clerk Contact details – phone 01676 533258 or email